Television show watching has changed quite a bit with the "invention" of DVRs and OnDemand and even more so with online "television" like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Back in the day, we waited all week (or even weeks) to find out who shot J.R. or if Ross and Rachel would get together/break up/get together again or who was voted off Survivor. At work the next day, there was the obligatory water-cooler talk about last night's show. It was kind of fun to gasp, laugh, or shake your head over what went down the night before.
Nowadays, there are so many ways to watch television and most of us don't actually watch it on the day/time that it first airs. Watching TV during my work week is a challenge as I always have work I have to do after school. I might have the TV on while I'm working, but it's more for noise. Intellectual shows that need attention are saved on the DVR until at least the weekend, but usually not watched until a school break. By break, there are multiple shows saved so it could turn into binge watching. Regardless, I no longer contribute to the water-cooler talk. Water-cooler talk seems to be about other things these days as most aren't watching shows they day they air.
Even more sporadically watched seems to be the shows created by and aired on the online streaming media companies like Netflix and Amazon Prime. They create their own shows and release an entire season at a time. Someone coming in on a show late can catch up with an episode a day or binge watch several seasons over a weekend. But being able to talk about these shows with others is kind of over. Between the binge watching and the NUMBER of shows they offer, it is rare that anyone you know is watching the same thing you are.
I do have both Netflix (streaming) and Amazon Prime, which is kind of silly, as I have plenty of things to watch on the DVR and don't even have time for that. The streaming shows aren't shows you can have in the background and just listen to. You've got to pay attention, and I have so little time to do that. But I've found about 20 minutes a day in the morning when I'm getting ready for work that I can set the iPad on the bathroom sink and watch something on one of these sites. I started this in late summer because a friend of mine did the graphic work on a new Netflix series called "Mindhunter". I wanted to watch it so carved out this little bit of time, and got through the season in about a month. It was a FANTASTIC show, but no one else I know watched it while I was. Since then, several people have recommended "The Crown" to me. I was a bit hesitant to start it since it's already in Season 2, but I did start and now I'm OBSESSED with it. There have been so many, "Oh my gosh!" moments! Yet again, those who recommended have already watched it, so my discussion over it has been limited.
Watching TV has gotten so easy and the options are endless anymore, but the social aspect has all but disappeared. While I like being able to watch TV when I have the time, I do miss the discussion about it the next day.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
6 hours ago