It’s funny to me that people are still talking about it being summer. Yes, on the calendar, it still is summer, but now that I am in my 3rd week back to school it no longer seems like it, except of course the 112 degree temperatures.
Even though summer is technically over for me and I’m already pining for summer vacation next year, Mama Kat asked about the perfect summer. So here we go… School is out! Other people’s children are with the other people, and I’m not responsible for them until the new school year.
My bed is one of my favorite place to be over the summer. I finally get to catch up on some much needed sleep after the crazy school year.
I love going to the movies, but when I’m working I’m limited to the weekends, and even then it’s hard to get out to them. Summertime means I can go to the movies whenever I want to, even the cheaper matinee. This summer I caught Inception, Dinner For Shmucks, The Other Guys, SALT, The Girl Who Played With Fire.
Spending money is just a fact of life over the summer. I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite thing, but it’s the nature of summer vacation. I never have time to go shopping for fun things when I’m working, so when I’m off it’s like a not-so-free for all with the credit card. New shoes, clothes, decorating items for the house, dinners out, movies, outings, etc. all cost money and when I have the time, I spend money!
I try to make traveling a part of my life, but not in the summer. Summer travel is too hot, too expensive, and too crowded, so I prefer to stay home and do my long distance traveling during winter or spring break. And even though just being home is delightful, I do get a bit stir crazy. Summer is good for day trips to museums (like the Getty Villa), the beach (like Santa Barbara), and just spending time in the city shopping.
I’m breaking the rules and adding another picture that depicts this summer…I adopted a puppy
what was I thinking! Rigby is rotten and wonderful all rolled into a cutie patootie! It’s been nice having a dog in the house again, but she tends to wreak havoc on the house. But who can’t forgive that face. She’s been working very hard learning her manners like sit, down, wait, stay, leave it (which we use A LOT), come, and even some fun ones like shake and roll over. She’s not enjoying me having to go back to work neither am I, but she’s getting better…only a year and five months until she’s two!
Summer went by incredibly quick, as usual. I could have used another couple of weeks, but I did enjoy the time I had.