It's been a long first full week back to school and therefore a Saturday 9 is in order. This week's song link is "Hello Dolly" by Louis Armstrong.
1. This song is about a woman returning to the town where she was happiest. How many towns have you lived in? I have lived in 6, 3 on the West Coast and 3 on the East Coast.
2) Crazy Sam played Ernestina in her high school production of Hello, Dolly! and still remembers one of her lines: "Hey, you with the big ears! What are you doing after the show?" Tell us something that you memorized for school that is still rattling around in your brain. My 7th grade history teacher taught us this rhyme/bit of wisdom on the first day of school, "Procrastination is a crime. It only leads to sorrow. I can stop at any time. I think I will tomorrow." I've never forgotten it, and it's kind of turned into my life's mantra. Which is why I'm so tired this week. :)
3) This week's featured artist, Louis Armstrong, got his start entertaining diners on riverboat dinner cruises. Have you ever taken a dinner cruise? Is a booze cruise the same thing? If so, then yes.
4) Armstrong took his nickname, "Satchmo," from "Satchel Mouth" -- a slang term for someone with a wide mouth, which Louis believed was his most distinguishing feature. What do you think people notice first about you? Hmmmm, I try particularly hard not to be noticed.
5) In 1936, Louis became the first African American to get featured billing in a Hollywood movie. Have you seen any of this summer's big movies? I'm not usually a fan of the "big summer movie" genre (which translates into kids' movies, teen movies, and action movies). I did see Trainwreck which was funny and dirty and cute all at the same time. And I just saw "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." tonight. It was SOOOOO much fun. I want to see it again!
6) When "Hello, Dolly" composer Jerry was growing up, he was close to an aunt named Belle who encouraged his love of music. Tell us about one of your aunts or uncles. I have just one aunt - my dad's sister. My uncle, her husband, passed away from a brain tumor about 20 years ago. Just before he was diagnosed, the two of them took a three week European tour. After my uncle died, my aunt began traveling a bit more extensively. For someone who had barely left California, let alone the country for most of her life, she has now visited every country in Europe (some multiple times) and has been to all 7 continents.
7) Though famous for composing the scores of Hello, Dolly!, Mame and La Cage Aux Folles, Jerry Herman can't read music. Can you? I can not. Languages are very difficult for me. I can memorize vocabulary (or notes) but have never been able to put it together with any kind of fluency.
8) Now retired, Mr. Herman lives in Miami. This is Miami's "wet season," which lasts into October. When did it last rain where you are? It hasn't rained here in ages. Supposedly it is supposed to be a banner El Nino year, with flooding and devastation. I'll believe it when I see it.
9) Random question: Have you suffered a sunburn this summer? Nope. Sunscreen is this girl's friend!
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
9 hours ago
haha i like that rhyme. that totally explains me :P
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a good one. It's only catch is there is ALWAYS something to do. That's where my problem arises...there's no part of that rhyme that tells you when you're good, for now. :)
DeleteSounds a good exhaustion though.
ReplyDelete1]Did you know Gene Kelly directed Hello Dolly the film. And actually one of the few movies I'd deem to be Art with a capital A.
2]Gray's Elegy. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
3] Nope. I've eaten on a ferry and a hovercraft when th ran between Dover and Calais.
4] Beard.
6]Too many to mention.
7] Learnt very lately, and far from fluent.
8] Last night.
9]Bwahahahahahahaha, in Ireland !.
My little group this year is very sweet, but it's been overshadowed by the amount of work dumped on us this year with starting a new language arts' curriculum and piloting two math curriculums. I've probably spent 40-50 hours on top of my job time trying to make sense of it and prepping the materials that we have to make for ourselves. My school is having major construction work being done, which was supposed to be done before the new year started and so as with any construction it's one problem after another - on Wednesday they broke a water main and the water was turned off for about 4 a school of 600+ people, most of them kids - no drinking water, no water to flush toilets. 4 hours is a long time when a kid has to go! I could go on, But to top it all off it was another week in my room with a new a/c that wasn't working. Trying to teach hot kids while being hot yourself is draining to say the least. I think they might have fixed it after school yesterday, so fingers crossed on Monday morning that will remain fixed and if so, that'll help the exhaustion at least some. Aren't you glad you asked?!?! :)
ReplyDeleteDo you ever play an instrument anymore, or has your camera taken up that time?
You don't know what you're missing with the sunscreen! To slather it all over, especially your face to then have it feel like it's suffocated you from the outside in, ugh! And now there's all sorts of research on how sunscreen ingredients can cause cancer as well. Great stuff!
Welcome back to Saturday 9dom! I started school this past week, too, and I'm in the same boat as you--exhausted and looking to relax this weekend!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yes, we are very lucky with our breaks, but most don't understand the amount of time and energy it takes for the days we are working. This will be the second weekend in a row I don't want to leave my bed, let alone the house. :). Next weekend I have to be among the that's my goal.! Have a great new year!
DeleteI really enjoyed Trainwreck, too.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun, a good laugh.
DeleteI like when you do this meme! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on getting through the first full week in one piece. It sounds like it was very trying! (can't imagine the water being off!!)
I'll just answer a few...
2. We memorized the beginning to Evangeline by H.W. Longfellow in 8th grade: "This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight..."
7. I do read music (took piano from an early age and also sang in multiple choirs) and am always surprised when others say they can't. Back in my day, they taught music in elementary school and I believe learning the staffs and notes were a part of that, not just singing songs.
8. After a wet spring, we had no rain and pretty high temps for 45 days straight. The past three days we've had some drizzle and I think we've had just over a quarter inch. Better than nothing! (though it feels like a sauna out there today!)
Thank you, it's been draining to say the least. If my air is actually working on Monday, I'll be a whole new woman! :)
DeleteWe have classroom music in my district, and it's fantastic. The basics (notes/singing) are taught in K-2, all 3rd graders learn to play the recorder, and 4-6 have the opportunity to either join chorus or orchestra. Starting any language (and I do believe music is a language) is so much easier to pick up as a child. I love taking the kids to music class!!
We've had quite a muggy summer as well, compared to our usual. But when I say muggy, it's mild compared to what you all get. When I was a kid, we had some friends move to Mountain Home, AR and we visited two summers in a row. Holy cow, talk about muggy. It was beautiful, green and lush, but there's nothing like getting out of the shower feeling like you need another shower. :) The thunder and lightening storms were fantastic though.
I wish I'd learned that rhyme about procrastination about 40 years ago.
DeleteI am intrigued by the idea of a 'booze cruise'
ReplyDeleteHa! They are intriguing with their watered down drinks and sloppy drunks. It's been ages since I've been on one. It's not the cruise itself, but the people you go with that make it fun.
DeleteI'd sign a petition to have DT's mouth sewn shut.. hell I'll donate the thread and needle too!
ReplyDeletewhile the story about your aunt and uncle was sad I am happy to hear she is travelling and living her life to the fullest.