As I've mentioned previously, during the work week I wake up quite early and walk the dog about two miles before leaving for work. When I walk in the morning, I stay in my little neighborhood and walk around the track-like quarter mile block 8 times. It's too dark and quiet to venture out on the main street, so I just stay nearby. It's usually a very peaceful walk as there aren't too many people out at that time, and there's less of a chance that cars back out into my path or kids ride their bike over my foot, or an out of control dog lunges towards Rigby (all things that happen during the daytime). A few neighbors sleepily leave for work that early, which makes me appreciate that I am only out walking at 5 in the morning and not actually leaving for work then.
This morning I got up at my regular 4:50 time and was out the door to walk the dog by 5:00 am. It was a cool and kind of misty morning which made it darker than usual. It's finally starting to lighten up a bit earlier now since the time change, but this morning it was very dark. I got about 6 houses down the street, close to the entrance off the main road, and police car turned onto my street. At first, it didn't strike me as odd as one of the residents on my street was a police officer and his car was parked at his house every-so-often. As I remembered that family had moved, I was also stumped as to why the car had its lights off. It passed me and not a few seconds later, another police car drove in, also with the lights off. The officer slowed when he got to me, rolled down his window, and asked if I had seen anyone out walking. I nervously stuttered my reply that I had just started my walk and hadn't seen anyone and that I was now nervous. He kept driving, and I kept walking not really knowing what to do. I was about half way around the block. I could either turn around and walk back, towards where the police officers went, or keep going and possibly run into the mysterious person. Funnily enough, not one of my neighbors who is usually out at that time was out and because of how dark it was, I felt like I was walking into a scene of a horror movie. While I contemplated this, two more police SUVs arrived in the track from the main road and drove in the same direction I was walking. That made me feel a bit better, at least they'd stumble upon this murderer before I would. I kept going, and as I made the turn that rounded back to my house, my eyes widened as I saw two police cars pointing towards my house on one side and towards my house on the other side. They were in a V-like formation, pointing at my house! My jaw dropped, and I tried to focus on the cars to see if the officers were still in their cars or if they were out holding guns. I didn't see them at all so I hurried up the walkway, unlocked the door and ran inside, hoping there wasn't a murderer inside. The lights were turned off, and I ran upstairs and peeked out the shutters to see what I could see. There wasn't much other than some walking around in the yards nearby. My next door neighbor came outside to leave for work and was also shocked by being surrounded. He asked one of the officers if he could leave and he was allowed to do so. After a few minutes, they headed back to their cars. I watched them stand around and talk for a few minutes. That, and the lightening of the sky, made me feel a bit better and since I still had 30 minutes to kill I hooked the dog back up and went back out to get a few more laps in. My neighbor across the street was leaving then and approached the officers. They told him they got a call about someone wandering in the yards. I didn't and haven't heard the details of it, but yikes! It'll be harder to go out agin tomorrow.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
6 hours ago