Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I'd Like to Buy a Vowel.

We're about a week away from Open House (and 18 days away from the end of the year, but who is counting) so I'm in the midst of changing over bulletin boards to put up fresh, pretty work.  This afternoon all the student work that had been up was taken down in one full swoop during my lunch break.  I gathered up all the letters used to title each board and sorted them by letter, preparing to put them back in alphabetical order and back in their storage container.  While I sat at my desk, the number of letters I had just taken down struck me.  
On a side note, yes, my desk is really that messy.  It started the day fairly clutter-free and by noon it looked like this.  The end of the year tends to bring on many piles and many cups of coffee.  But I digress.    
Anyhow, these letters came down from three bulletin boards.  If I quickly count in my head, there were 42 individual letters, making up 6 words, up on the boards that are sorted here.  Interestingly, only 12 letters of the alphabet were used to make these words.
During this exercise, I was reminded of watching the game show, "Wheel of Fortune", with my parents when I was growing up.  The premise of the show was to solve word puzzles by choosing letters that might be used to make up the words. Of course, the better the contestants were at choosing the letters the more of a chance they had to solve the puzzles and earn prize money.  The winner of the early rounds had a chance to choose a set number of letters to reveal in the final puzzle, and if they choose wisely and solved the puzzle in a short time frame, they won the grand prize.   The contestants on the show always chose the same letters first and, after some time of the show being on, these most common letters were just given to the contestants during the final puzzles since they were being chosen anyways.  It took quite a few episodes for me to understand why those letters were always chosen, and didn't get it until my dad explained that those were the most used/common letters in the English Language.  The contestants tried to get the best odds by starting with the those letters.  That was my parents' first lesson in odds and gambling, but that's a post for another time.
The most used letters, in case you are wondering, are E, T, A, O, I, N, S, H, R, D, L, C, U.  I'd say my  odds would have been quite good on this pile of letters sitting on my desk.  All but H, D, and L were used, and I added some Ms and Fs.  Ten out of 13 of the letters are from this list!  Get me to Vegas!


  1. I use to love Wheel of Fortune (and even played a version on my phone for awhile), but it's been ages since I've watched. I guess Pat and Vanna still host?

    I still play several word games on my phone and rarely does a day go by that I don't work the "cryptoquote" and the crossword in my daily paper.

    1. Yah, I haven't watched the show since I watched with my parents years and years ago. And do you play following the most common letters philosophy? :)

    2. Oh, yes. One of the games I play on my phone is a version of "hang man" and I always start guessing with R, S, and T. From there I base my picks on what's visible. Working cryptoquotes has really sharpened my skill at recognizing word/letter combinations.

  2. Hard to believe your year is nearly over.
    I don't know WoF but we have Countdown, and that's been going for as long as I can remember.
    What's Open House ?.

    1. It is hard to believe and yet it isn't. This time of year is when it really starts to sink in that I'm TIRED and am looking forward to break.
      Open house is a an evening where the students get to bring their families in to show off what they have been doing all year.

    2. Didn't you spend two months of the last six rebuilding the darn house, of course you're exhausted. There'd be something wrong with you if you weren't.
      Was that OH called Parents Night when parents got dressed up in Sunday Best and terrified their offspring with dire consequences if the report wasn't utterly glowing and you were not just a credit to them but were in fact in the running for a Nobel (didn't matter which category, but the Peace one was probably a stretch). Do you have to come up with creative use of language. 'While Jon/John/Jan/Yanis/Juan/Sean is undoubtedly a credit to you and is very helpful in class, he isn't one of natures mathematicians'.

    3. No, actually, no the teacher/parent meeting is what we call parent teacher conferences and we do those in Sept and March. This is truly just a positive night, and the kids are in charge of showing off. I'll have the odd "How's he/she doing?" but overall, I just wander around the room as the kids show their parents around. It's so close to the end of the year (OH is on Thursday this week and then school is out two weeks later) even those that are involved with their child's education don't really care. ;)

  3. This reminded me of what a great teacher you are.
