Today was the 2nd grade field trip. We went to a teaching zoo. It’s a very tiny, but a very nice zoo, and is usually a very nice field trip. This year was the exception.
As usual, we stopped at the restroom before the long ride. So far, so good.
We boarded the buses with the other classes and headed to our destination.
All was well.
We arrived at the zoo just in time to start the animal show.
Our four classes filed in and took our seats. We saw animals like goats, servals, parrots, miniature horses, and a dog that did tricks.
The “performers” also called three students from my class to be part of the show.
Aren’t they cute?
Yah, I thought so too, until they turned into wild children during the tour part of the trip. This class has been HARD. Individually they are all very nice kids, and I enjoy each and every one individually. Together however the class dynamic has been exhausting.
As we walked out of the show to meet our tour guide, the craziness began. Anything remotely fun makes these kids fall apart. Which is why I don’t do anything fun in class this year, and also why I was dreading this trip. As soon as they saw the first animal that we walked past, we lost them. No matter how many times the guide told them to follow her, no one did! I had to stop the tour at that time and remind everyone about their manners, or lack their of.

We did manage to get some pictures of the primates.
The monkeys pushed these kids (and their teacher) right over the edge. To the point that when we saw the American bald eagle
the kids got so excited they actually pushed our tour guide out of the way. A few have no concept that anyone else exists besides themselves and what they are trying to obtain. In this case a view of the birds was enough to reek havoc. While dealing with some students not listening to directions in the back of the line, I pounced to the front of the line, reprimanded the culprits, and pulled them back with me.
The following came out of my mouth over and over and over again for the remainder of the tour…
”Remember, you need to walk on the walkway, not in the roses (or in the bushes, in the dirt, on someone’s foot).”
”Remember, she told us the animals might get scared and bite. Keep your hands out of the cages.”
”Even though you are excited, you need to use quiet voices so we don’t scare the animals.”
”She (the guide) just answered that question. Please be a first time listener.”
”Do not yell! You will scare the animals.”
And to put the icing on the cake, one cute little boy threw a rock at the very last animal we saw…
This darling bird who carried its ball around wanting to share it with us.
At that point I completely lost my mind.
One more week left of school. I hope I can make it.