Wednesday, June 6, 2012

SAT 9 on WED.

Wrote this on Saturday, but didn’t get a chance to post until today.  A little late, but some interesting questions this week, plus I’ve nothing else to post tonight. :) 

1. Do you understand a belief model based on creationism?
Is this a convoluted way of asking if I believe in God?  I am no longer a practicing member of any religion.

2. Is your house run more like a dictatorship or a democracy?  Since it’s just me, I can run it any way I’d like.  

3. Are you likely to forgive a transgression and give someone a second chance?  It would depend on the transgression I guess.  I can be kind of a grudge holder.  I need to let things bake, and if I’m given the room to do that, I can probably get over it.  However, if it’s a biggie (cheating, abuse) forgetta bout it!

4. Is religion a big part of your life? No

5. Do you feel your job (or your spouse's if you work at home) is safe? Yes, unless I just can’t keep it together for 4 more weeks and I end up punching my boss in the neck.  Then I might lose my job. 

6. Do you believe in gay marriage? Why? How can someone not believe in it.  It’s not like it’s imaginary…it does exist.  I’m ashamed to say not in California, but gays are getting married.  I do not have one iota of an issue with gay marriage.  In fact, I think it should just be called marriage.  I don’t really give a flying fig who someone wants to marry.   That should be left to the people who want to get married.  No one else’s opinion is really of any concern.

7. Do you think the current U.S. war will lead to a more peaceful world?  Well it hasn’t so far has it?

8. Do you like people with swagger? Ha!  This question is funny.  Of course I do.  But the swagger can be trouble.  BIG trouble! 

9. What kind of budget do you live on, is it tight or carefree? I try to make it a happy medium.  Most  months I have a bit of funny money to spare.  But if there is an unforeseen expense (like a $700 car repair bill or $300 fence repair because it blew over last week in the 70 mph wind) then that extra is wiped out for the next few months.  Just. Like. That.

And you?


  1. 1 meah, is that what that's saying. The real answer is 'yes' I understand it. But then the Irish UK&commonwealth with USA says I'm legally educated. But that question is a minefield.
    2, if you are on your own it deffo a dictatorship. They have wrap-round coats for those that have democracies.
    3, depends. Sometimes the little things are the straw. Or are just annoying. Touch my plate and you'll lose an arm, head and whatever else is near. If you want stake/duck/whatever ORDER IT.
    4 yes , but not in the way meant here.
    5 with 400,000 out of work no one is safe.
    6 couldn't give a hoot.
    7 pshaw
    8 what's swagger in this context. Confidence is one thing. Hubris another. The problem these days is swagger, as I understand it is connected closely with no talent.
    9 not enough

    1. Ha ha ha! You mean i shouldn't be holding elections on how my house should be run then? ;). Your plate answer cracks me up. And #4? Because you are a student of? I find the study and history of different religions fascinating. I just can't get past the hypocrisy and those who hurt others under the guise of religion.

  2. Gay Marriage sounds sounds gay. I've been trying to say "marriage equality" for some time now. But I think your idea is just plain better.

    1. Oh good! With your crazy politics I didn't know how you stood on the issue. ;)

  3. I like swagger. :) I just don't have any.

    I don't think you're a dictatorship. You're a Queen--monarchy!

    1. @bd - ohhhh I think I'd like being a queen. :). But I don't have any swagger either. Do you need swagger to be a queen?

  4. Queen of California ?, are you sure. Won't Parez be miffed.

    1. @vince - oh no! You guys know about Perez even over there?!?! What's this world coming to.

  5. I like Vince's answers, Now that I am leaving as a California resident next Wednesday, you can be The Queen of Everything! I think you answered your questions with swagger,

  6. @bc - hmmm, the queen of everything huh?
    CA will miss you, but moving on to bigger and better things will be wonderful, plus there's less traffic where you're going.

  7. Drat those car and fence expenses!
    1 more day here!!!

    1. @marey - I know right!?! And I'm not very happy hearing the one more day part. We have 15 and they are dragging. My student teacher is done next wed so having my class back to myself will help it move faster, I think. Happy summer!

  8. The swagger question made me laugh. I also liked your response. Very wise, indeed. :)

  9. I'd like to think I have swagger, but I guess I'm more of a nagger.

  10. @Crystal - Too bad I don't take my own wise advice.

  11. @mami - well, you are a mom...isn't that part of your job description? :)
